Embarassing Moments for Aging Men
As we grow older, we start to lose control over some of the things that make us independent people. Though this process can be emasculating and often downright sad, it’s important to maintain a good sense of humor, lest we become one of those grouchy, irritable old men witting on their porch and yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off the lawn. Your hearing isn’t quite what it used to be, so it’s easy to misunderstand when someone asks a question. John, Ed and Tom are sitting on the front porch in their rocking chairs. John says, “Windy, isn’t it?” Ed replies, “No, I’m thinking it’s Thursday.” Tom excitedly chimes in, “I’m thirsty too. Y’all want a beer?” With hearing problems that may come with aging, it’s also easy to misjudge your personal volume and say things a bit louder than you intended. But hey – that’s a luxury of age: you get to say whatever you want, and you don’t really care what those young whipper-snappers have to say about it. One of the...